
What we learned from watching Mike Tyson vs. Roy Jones Jr.

Profile Picture: Danny Howard

Danny Howard

November 30th, 2020

Mike Tyson and Roy Jones Jr.’s heavily-hyped exhibition had the sports world on its toes on Saturday night. BetAmerica recaps the historic night, and what implications it may have on boxing’s future.

The "Battle of the Aged" delivered

Though the fight ended up being less of an actual fight and more of a sparring session, Tyson vs. Jones was fairly entertaining. While the whole event had needless months of speculation about the rules and other nonsensical things like a bogus belt from the WBC, Tyson and Jones did their part to focus on the event itself. Though the fight wasn’t scored, the consensus was that the fight ended up being a draw after eight rounds.

Fans of both fighters got to see a dream match. Both fighters were in decent shape to make a good account of themselves, and the quality of the card was enough to validate a $50 price tag.

Beyond that, Jake Paul’s highlight reel stoppage of Nate Robinson broke social media. Badou Jack’s vicious beating of club fighter Blake McKernan was entertaining. Better yet, a legitimate prospect in Jamaine Ortiz put on an excellent performance to start off the show. All things considered, this card had something for everyone.

Tyson gets the picture

It was laughable hearing fans, analysts, and even fighters saying that Tyson could make a run in the current heavyweight division. For what it’s worth, Tyson couldn’t outclass Jones, let alone a younger, stronger opponent. Though Tyson is sure to stay out of the ring, aside from controlled exhibitions, it’s time to stop the nonsense that he can compete in the modern era. 

Tyson admitted as much post-fight. Should he continue, it will be another exhibition against either an old foe or another better-late-than-never dream match. The Hall of Famer did mention that he was hoping to use the event to springboard his Legends Only league, where older fighters can still compete.

The Legends Only league will be a hit

Boxing is a cruel sport. There is little the sport offers its recently retired warriors who find themselves in rapid need of cash. Tyson’s Legend’s Only brand should give fighters of yesteryear the same chance to continue their careers with dignity in a controlled environment, giving them a chance to either help themselves or bring focus to a charity or a cause near and dear to their hearts. Better yet, promoters can work with Tyson to feature emerging prospects to get some shine that their golden age competitors bring to the ring.

Fighters like Evander Holyfield, Antonio Tarver, Nigel Benn and others would undoubtedly draw attention to their respective exhibitions. As long as the fighters are at no more of a risk hurting themselves than a normal sparring session, and with a competent organization putting the event together, this could actually be good for boxing in the long run.

