Poker Strategy

Poker strategy is ultimately a personal preference. Some players are more reckless and brazen, while others can be conservative. There is no “perfect poker strategy” that exists, but there are some that are better than others. The idea is to create a way that you approach each hand in a game, after which you can begin analyzing your opponents’ habits.

Here you will find some helpful tips for when you bet poker.

1) Know When To Fold

Beginner players will often stay in hands that they can’t win simply because they’ve committed to the pot already. Sometimes, you just have to accept that you’ve lost a hand and walk away instead of trying to scare someone off a pot with big bets. Learning to live to fight another day is essential when you bet poker online.

2) Know Your Skill Level

Poker is one of the most popular games in the world of online gaming, and that means there is a vast amount of players out there. This means that there are lots high caliber players, but it also means that the sport is filled with beginners as well. Search for a table that represents both your poker skill level and your financial limits. Typically, the higher stakes mean higher skill levels.

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3) Know Which Hands To Play

One of the simplest tips for beginners is to play when you have a strong hand. A pair of jacks, for example, is a good hand to stand behind while a pair of threes might not be because it's relative value is so low. As a particular game goes on, you will begin to understand how other players bet, while also learning how they react to the way you bet.

4) Understand Calculated Risk

Poker is essentially about calculating risk against the unknown. An each hand, the players involved have something to gain and something to lose. So always ask yourself, “is what’s at stake worth what I’m risking”? The stake could be anything from a big pot to eliminating a player from the table. What you’re willing to risk always hinges on two things: the strength of your cards and the amount of chips you have remaining. If you put yourself in a position of great risk, do you have enough in your stack to bail you out and keep you moving forward? Many players will treat poker as a game of survival as they attempt to outlast other players on the table until the game has fewer players. Others will play aggressively to gain a chip lead (having the most chips at the table) in order to throw their weight around and bully other players.

5) Pay Attention To Other Players

When you bet poker online, assessing how your opponent bets can be part of your strategy. At the beginner level, measuring the strength of your own hand is usually enough, but in higher stakes games it’s essential to understand how your opposition bets. Many people who play online will go as far as to write down game logs to track the activity of certain players. If this tactic is something new to you, the best way to develop this skill is to pay attention to one or two players you’re playing against while virtually ignoring the rest. Over the course of the first few hands, you’ll be able to determine who’s worth tracking. Given practice, you’ll become more proficient at tracking multiple players either instinctively or with the use of notes. As in any game, strategy is a personal endeavour. These tips are meant to get you started on the way to enjoying all that poker has to offer. The key is to play often and stay within your limits. As you begin to understand what types of risks you are willing to take, you will become a better player.

Opponent Strategies and Play Styles

  • Tight
    • Cautious play style with few hand participation and low risk tolerance
  • Loose
    • Opposite of 'tight' with high play volume in dealt hands and willingness to bet
  • Aggressive
    • Pressuring opponents by betting often or big
  • Passive
    • Opposite of 'aggressive' with frequent calls and deferring to others to how wager action unfolds